Something about that house
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

There was something about that house—I knew it was for us. When we got home, I looked on Cumberland County’s website to find the address (this was pre Google Maps). It listed the owners’ names with the address as 900 South Spring Garden Street. The next day I called the township to find a mailing address for the owners. Did I mention that I needed to know if the house was for sale?! I wrote a note to the owners saying we would be interested in buying the property if they ever wanted to sell.
When my kids came home from school, they asked if I had “Googled” the owners? Remember this was 2008. So, feeling sort of silly at that not occurring to me, I did just that. I had hit another road block—both owners had passed away. My kids said I sent mail to dead people! I decided I had done all I could do and went on with life.
Fast forward two months. I am driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to western Pennsylvania to a college visit with my youngest when my phone rings. No hands free in 2008! It was an area code that I remembered vaguely, so I answered. It was the Attorney for the estate! The first question he asked was “What are your intentions for the property?” I explained that we would like to live there (right answer) and the conversation continued. He said a family member would be in touch.
And then we waited . . .
Be sure to check back for the final part of how we found our home.